Friday, 6 May 2011

Obama's speech about Bin Laden's death

Watch Obama’s speech and take notes.
Then read these ideas from his speech and try to order them using your notes. Watch it again and check the order. (answers in “comments”)

You have the whole text here.

a) Obama announces the operation conducted in Pakistan that has ended with the death of Osama Bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaeda.

b) The war is not against muslims but against terrorists. American cooperation with Pakistan has led to the killing of Bin Laden and Pakistan and the US will continue to fight Al-Qaeda together.

c) Al-Qaeda openly declared the war on the US. They went to war against them to protect their citizens, friends and allies.

d) Obama tells American families that lost loved ones on September 11 that they’ll never forget it and they will do whatever it takes to prevent another attack on their shores.

e) Last August Obama was informed that Bin Laden had been located in a compound in Pakistan.
f) Obama describes September 11 as the worst attack ever and speaks about the nearly 3,000 citizens taken from them.

g) Obama says that American people didn’t want the war but as a country they couldn’t tolerate their security to be threatened. He says they have to be true to their values and states that justice has been done.

h) Obama knows this is not the end of Al-Qaeda and assures they must and will remain vigilant.

i) In the last ten years the Americans have disrupted terrorist attacks and have captured and killed terrrorists (even some involved in September attack). However, Bin Laden had managed to avoid capture and had escaped to Pakistan.

j) When September 11 took place the Americans showed they were united and didn’t pay attention to their different countries, Gods, races or ethnics. They helped each other and were determined to protect their nation and bring the responsible ones to justice.

k) Obama thanks everyone who carried out the operation and achieved this.

l) Today (1st May), under Obama’s direction, they launched a targeted operation in which no Americans were hurt, civilian casualties were avoided. There was a firefight and they killed Bin Laden and took custody of his body.

m) Obama says that today’s achievement shows the greatness of the USA and the determination of American people. He says that the USA can protect the world because they are one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

n) Obama says that shortly after taking office he made the killing or capture of Bin Ladent the top priority on their war against Al-Qaeda.

o) Obama describes Bin Laden’s death as the most significant achievement in their effort to defeat Al-Qaeda

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